Over 1 million Aiming.pro Users!
Since it’s the start of a new month we checked out our stats for the month just passed and we were really pleased to see that our total users topped 1 million. It’s gratifying to reach these milestones as it makes us realise all the work we put in is reaching so many people.
It feels like only a short time ago when we wrote a blog post celebrating reaching 35k users.
The last three months have seen unprecedented traffic to the site. We hope that much of this is due to our on-going efforts on the site, however we need to be realistic and attribute some of it to the covid-19 disaster. Lockdown seems to be a great opportunity for aim training. Check out the trend of site visitors per month below:
As we’ve mentioned before, number of users isn’t the most important metric for us. We want aiming.pro to be an aim trainer which people keep coming back to and playing loads of games. In total there have been just short of 7 million games (6.89m) played. We’re really pleased with that.
We’ve recently updated the skill assessments which reinvigorated players to get refreshed skill group assignments and new high scores. We’ve added a sub-layer of assessment playlists so players can test their skills in more specific aiming areas. And now we’re working on a series of core skills progressions where players can start with an easy version of an assessment and progress at their own pace to the harder difficulties. We’ve also implemented dynamic target settings, so the game changes as time passes or as you hit / miss. In fact, we’ve implemented a tonne of new game options and these are all available in the custom game creation area for Plus members.
We’re constantly listening to feedback and suggestions, so we hope all these new features will get players playing even more and help you all train in really efficient ways.
Join the community on Discord for chat, feature suggestions and more.