Communities - Launch party!
We are really pleased to announce the launch of Communities. The community is a hub for any group of aimers & gamers to get together, play their favourite drills and compete against each other.
The community could be an esports team, a group of like minded aim trainers e.g. precision specialists, a group dedicated to certain aim training celebrities or a much larger group such as UK Apex Legends gamers. It’s a one size fits all solution!
What does it do?
The community homepage lets you advertise all your group social media and websites, write about the group and set up some banners and logos to let the world know about you.
It’s a central location where you can keep track of all the other members of the group with quick links to their profiles and a record of who is lucky enough to be part of the group.
The most fun thing right now is the competitions section. This allows you to set up personalised communities competitive playlists with leaderboards only for your group. You no longer need to only stick to the ‘Global Aim Rank’ and ‘Season 3’ playlists. Set your own playlists for your community and see who comes out on top!
How do I join a community?
Find the community you want to join via the community browse area. Groups can be made private so they do not appear in the public area and you’ll need a direct link - you must be in the know!
Each community will be:
- Open - anyone can join. Just click join!
- Application Only - you must apply and then an admin will accept you to the group, if you are worthy.
- Invite Only - You must be personally invited by an admin and then you choose to accept or decline the invite
Can I create a community?
You sure can. Click create then share the link all over the internet to get people to join.
What’s next?
We’ve launched Communities with a minimal set of functionality (but one which we think is going to be super fun) so that we can get it out there and see how you all like it.
We’ve got loads of great ideas for further features & development and we’d also love to hear your ideas as well, so please do get on Discord and let us know.
Some of the things we’re thinking about are recommended drills & playlists, community training statistics, inter-community competition. Honestly - there are endless possibilities!
As always we love to hear what new features the community wants, so let us know on Discord!