April 2022 - New Features and Updates
SteelSeries Challenge
In last month’s update we mentioned the work that had gone into creating the SteelSeries challenge. This month we just had to do two things - Pick the winners from the first challenge and create the May Challenge. The competition mechanics are similar, however we have a slightly more top heavy approach to the prize structure. Now one lucky player ranked 2nd to 10th will get a prize, so the odds are high and hopefully the competition to get into that area will be increased.
Play the challenge here: SteelSeries Prime Challenge
Quality of Life improvements
Custom ADS Crosshair
In addition to the normal crosshair, hit marker and miss marker you can now customise your ADS crosshair. Keep in mind ADS isn’t available on all drills. It’s mostly included in Game Trainer drills to reflect real FPS game play.
Make your ADS crosshair here
Sharing Assessment and Drill Performance
We’ve updated the sharing functionality for assessments and drill scores, so now it’s even easier and even more awesome to share your results across all your favourite social media.
Drill Modal
We’ve spruced up the Drill Modal to include all sorts of visuals so you can get a better idea of what the drill is all about before you play it
The drill modal will now show your rank based upon whether you’re looking at it in the context of an Assessment or whether it’s else. If you’re looking as part of the assessment then you’ll see your assessment rank, otherwise it’ll show your percentile based rank.
Drill Creator - Design Update
We’re doing a lot of work to make the site more consistent across the different areas. The drill creator has been looked at and now all the buttons, sliders, check boxes etc all match the overall the theme of the site - nice!
Settings Menu - Key bindings
As part of our on going quest for consistency we’ve updated the web app settings menu to allow you to edit your key bindings here. Previously you could only do this from inside a drill.
Check your settings here: Settings
Bug Fixes
Quit Drill Button
We’ve (hopefully!) fixed a long running issue where the quit button within a drill will take you to strange places, or just not work at all. Let us know on Discord if you’re still having issues with this.
What’s next?
We’re working on some big features which we think are going to be really cool. Hopefully they’ll be out in May, so you’ll get to read all about them in next months release notes - May is going to be big!