How does crosshair type impact aiming performance?
One of our top players, Mouseless, asked if we had some stats on how crosshair choice impacts aiming performance. Mouseless may well be a professional statistician as they specifically used the word correlation. This means that two (or more) things are related, but does not imply that one causes the other.
To determine causation we’d have to, unknowingly to the player, force a crosshair choice upon them and then analyse performance across the various crosshair groups to see which performed better. We’re not quite at that stage yet. We’ll probably do things like that when we’re as big as Facebook + Google.
For now we’ll take a look at whether there is any correlation between player performance and crosshair choices. Recently we implemented a more user friendly player rating system (Beginner, Advanced, Elite etc) so we’ll use this to see how crosshair styles vary across those groups. This might give you a few ideas of different styles to experiment with to help improve your aim
Crosshair Variables
Currently players can alter three aspects of their crosshair: Colour, Size & Style. Below we will look at each. Data excludes users who have remained on the default (dot, red, size 6).
No strong trends here. Red is most popular choice across all skill groups. It is probably the colour which stands out most from the background.
Interesting trend showing the top group of players over-indexing on the smaller sizes - perhaps a small crosshair increases precision. Beginner groups have a huge over-index on size 10. This doesn’t appear conducive to good aiming.
Strong trend for the higher performing groups to remain on the dot style crosshair. Cross_dot_small looks to be popular with the beginner groups but not with the expert groups - maybe one to avoid.
So, the data suggests using size 1 red dot? That doesn’t sound right as it’s barely visible. There are some important correlations between size and style within the Elite+ group.
Style |
Most Popular Sizes |
cross |
1 - 2 |
cross_dot |
1 - 4 |
dot |
4 - 5 |
Crosshair choice is probably a good amount personal preference, but it does look like there might be a couple of choices on size and style that could improve your performance. Experiment with the three combos above and see how your performance changes.
Head over to the Discord to see what our players think and to share your thoughts
Best wishes for your aim training!