ADS now available!
Hi, we're very happy to tell you that we've enabled ADS functionality - a frequently requested feature for sure!
Here is a run down of the functionality and design decisions, if you have some feedback please do let us know.
Why do our players want ADS so much?
After listening to you all we felt like the issue was not about recreating specific zoom amounts and sniper rifles but more on the mechanical side of mouse movement and mouse clicking while holding right mouse button and adjusting to different sensitivities. This was especially relevant to Apex Legends players where ADS on SMGs is widespread. With that reasoning in mind here's what we've done.
Enabled ADS only on tracking games
The primary reason was we felt tracking games were most relevant for training. There is an important secondary reason of preserving the integrity of our other training games. For example, on long distance games it would make it absurd to introduce zoom.
We may introduce sniper rifle game modes, however we're not convinced on the mechnical benefits of this at the moment.
Variable FOV
For advanced game & weapon matching we've enabled players to set their own FOV / Zoom levels. We are aware this might cause some inconsistencies when comparing scores across players, however we decided the benefits outweighed the drawbacks.
Variable ADS Sensitivity
It's extremely important for players to be able to match their ADS sensitivity to specific games and gun types, so we've enabled that. We've added an option (ON by default) for 'Relative Sensitivity', where your sensitivity is automatically adjusted based on zoom amount to have the same feel when zoomed in. You may set your ADS sensitivity to whatever suits you though.
Right Mouse Button functions as ADS now
Previously right mouse button also fired the gun. This was requested by a few players way back. We've also had people complain about it as it interrupted SMG firing if you accidentally clicked it. Unfortunately for some and fortunately for others we have commandeered right mouse for ADS. At the moment it's not possible for players to set their own mouse button functions. We may do so in future if many people ask for it.
Reduced movement speed when in ADS
This is kind of an aesthetic feature and generally matching what other games do. Not much thought behind this decision so if you don't like it please do say so!
Moved gun position in ADS
An aesthetic feature.
Other news
We've added three more games to our sensitivity matching system, these are:
- Borderlands 3
- Creative Destruction
- Gears of WAr 5
What's next
The game performs well for most players however we want it to be super smooth for all players, so we're going to spend a bit of time optimising the backend code and making tweaks here and there. So you may notice a few small changes in the game performance and visuals.
As always we would love to hear you feedback on these so please let us know in the Discord Channel, Reddit, Twitter or Discord.