The Trainer
The trainer is the fastest way to improve your aim in the games you love.
Through careful analysis and insight we've assembled a progression of drills to improve your aim fast, efficiently, and enjoyably.
No more guessing about what to train and in what order. We've done the hard work for you.
How do I use the Trainer?
Play the drills, beat the target score and progress to higher levels.
What are the Game-Specific Progressions in the Trainer?
These are drill progressions optimized for specific games. Carefully selected drills, chosen to efficiently develop skills highly relevant to these games
What do the Levels across the top mean?
We've selected difficulties and targets to correspond with in-game ranks. For example, if you achieve the Diamond level in the Valorant trainer, then your aim should be good enough to perform at that level in-game. Disclaimer: There are many other factors affecting in-game performance other than just aim!