Introducing the Aim Coach A.I.
We have got a really exciting feature for you to try out - The Aim Coach A.I.
Think of the Aim Coach as your own personal aiming coach. Tell the Coach which drill you want to get better at and it’ll create a workout routine tailored specifically to you.
If you ever have found yourself at a loss for which drills you need to play or if you’ve hit a plateau in your training then this is the feature for you.
What? How? Are you serious?!
Yeah we are serious and it really works. During testing our scores have improved a great deal, so we’re super confident about this!
A sophisticated drill linking system and all sorts of logic in the backend create a workout where every drill will help you achieve your objective. Something a little like this:
A really important concept in training is “deliberate practice” and one way to achieve this is to have goals for everything you’re doing. That’s exactly what you’ll find in your workout - each drill has a target performance range and a stretch goal. So you’ll be able to track how you’re doing throughout the workout.
Once you’ve completed a workout you can get an overview of your performance, like so:
Let me at it!
Head on over to The Trainer, choose a skill area then go to the Aim Coach A.I tab and create your first workout.
This is a premium feature, however we want everyone to improve their aim, so non-Plus members can create 1 workout per day. Our Plus members can create as many as they like and of course they have our eternal gratitude for supporting the site.
Tell us what you think
We've got loads of ideas of improvements to this feature and the whole site. We'd love to hear your ideas as well, so let us know on Twitter, Discord and Reddit!