Call Of Duty Cold War: PC Beta Impressions
The Call of Duty Cold War PC Beta has been sectioned to let certain platforms play before others. Access for all PC players, regardless of Pre-order or not, has been available since the 17th October, and 15th for Early Access. The PC Beta is scheduled to end on the 20th October. This gives both us and the players a chance to test the game out.
Call of Duty Cold War Release Date
The game is being developed by the game studio Treyarch and published under Activision. The Release date for the full game is set for November 13th in the US and Canada, and 19th November for the rest of the world. Anytime up to this point, you can head over to the official site or any leading retailer, where you can pre-order the game and get exclusive rewards such as the Battle Pass and the Land, sea and Air packs.
First Impressions
When You boot into the game for the first time, you are greeted with A main menu consisting of 5 main sections: Campaign, Multiplayer, Warzone, Zombies and Store.
The campaign is currently locked as the game is not in full release. The Campaign will most likely unlock when the game is fully released on the 13th November of this year. This also applies to the Zombies mode.
The Warzone Category will take you to the Current Modern Warfare Warzone Battle Royale, as the two games are connected in this way.
The Store page opens up, giving you options to pre-order both the standard and Ultimate Editions of Call of Duty Cold War.
The Multiplayer Menu
When booting up the multiplayer mode, you hop right into a lobby, where you can see your currently selected operator, the party list and all of the other tabs across the top of the screen.
In the lobby section, you have a choice of many different game modes to play from two different sections; Featured and quick play.
Selecting the Featured tab will give you three unique and previously unseen gamemodes. FireTeam: Dirty Bomb is a large scale gamemode set on even larger maps. 10 teams fight to collect, deliver, and deposit uranium onto several Dirty Bomb locations. Once these Bombs go off, they begin to rediate the world around them, forcing fireteams into smaller and smaller areas.
Combined Arms is the name given for game modes that are large scale and involve both infantry and vehicle gameplay. Players can choose to fight the traditional ways, or hop into various assault and escape vehicles to earn points and take down objectives. The Beta features domination and Hardpoint as the main attractions.
VIP Escort is the final gamemode. In this gamemode, two teams are given different roles. One team is given a VIP (picked at random), to protect. This VIP is not strong, carrying only a pistol and light utility. It is up to the rest of the team members to escort the VIP to a pickup point, where that team will be awarded if they successfully achieve this goal. The other team has to stop the VIP at all costs, whether by defending the point or going straight for the VIP.
Quick play mode features gamemodes that are much more traditional and seen much more in COD gamemodes.
Team Deathmatch is always the most common mode. This mode is very simple, consisting of two teams that must fight to score the most points. You score points by eliminating the opposing team members.
Hardpoint is more objective based; Two teams fight for control over a single hardpoint. Once the hardpoint has been captured, the team that captured the hardpoint cannot respawn until the point is taken back. The timer stops and it becomes a matter of holding down the objective from aggressors.
In Domination, two teams fight to capture and hold three flags. Teams will accumulate points for the more flags they have captured.
Kill confirmed is similar to Team Deathmatch, but points towards your team will only count if you pick up an enemy dog tag after eliminating them.
The Maps
In This map, you fight in the waters of the North Atlantic Ocean, where each team will usually spawn on their own ship. The map is full of boats and ziplines, so there are plenty of techniques for quick traversal, making for fast paced gamemodes.
Set in the streets of clubs, bright lights and a motel, this map is great for a mixed range of gunfights. The long open street parallel to the beachside offers longer engagements, with chances to use cover and engage in close range encounters. The motel offers a tight space for in-your-face combat.
Satellite is set in the midst of a desert, where the remnants of a crashed satellite remain. This map has a lot of peaking spots around the dunes, close engagements between the desert rocks and a hill to control right on the satellite.
This map portrays the metro stations of Russia, right in the centre of moscow. These long corridors are great for longer engagements with plenty of choke points between its three lane foundations.
Crossroads is a large map set in the outbacks of Uzbekistan, where cabins and bunkers reside. This map is great for long engagements, with little chance for close engagements.
Training your Aim with Aiming.Pro
Aiming.Pro is the free solution you can use to help build your aim. You can warmup or train extensively using our industry standard tools and analytics to help you improve.
You can find use over at, where we recommend you create a quick account. This lets you track your progress!
Once you’ve played a couple of games from the Skill Assessment tab, you will be put into our percentile system; A ranking system where you are compared against the rest of the world!
You are able to see your training progress with our state of the art progress tracker. This progress tracker is easy and convenient as you are able to hover over any of the drills you have played and check the score quickly, without having to navigate the menus. You can also click on that particular drill and the site will take you right to the page that Drill is located at. This means you can hop right in and play the game!
Your profile also comes equipped with an easy to preview statistics sheet. This sheet contains a list of metrics that revolve around the nature of your playing habits and just general information about yourself as you take this journey. These metrics are updated regularly, and as follows:
Games played: The total Amount of Drills you have played to completion
Shots Fired: The total amount of bullets fired/button presses clicked in your lifetime
Targets Destroyed: The amount of targets you have destroyed in your lifetime
Mouse Sensitivity: the Mouse sensitivity you set in Aiming.Pro will be updated here too
FOV: This is your current Field Of View. This is also regularly updated
Country: The country where you are from
Main Game: This is the main game you currently play. A good metric to fill in if you are a professional player!
Discord name: If you want people to contact you for any reason, you can drop your discord here!
Weekly - Top 1: This is how many times you have reached first place in the weekly challenge
Weekly - Top 10: This is how many times you have reached at least tenth place in the weekly challenge
Member Since: The date your account was created
With an Aiming.Pro plus subscription, you can choose to create your own custom games with our intuitive builder. Stats related to this feature are also tracked.
Custom Games Created: The amount of Custom Games you have created on the site
Custom Game Plays: This is how many people have played your custom games in the past 30 days
Playlists Created: How many playlists you have created on the site
Playlist Plays: How many people have played your playlists in the past 30 days
This is just a small benefit received by creating an account, so login here!
Setting up your perfect sensitivity
We’ve made the process of getting your sensitivity from your favourite game to our aim trainer painless and simple.
Firstly, navigate to the “Sensitivity” settings on the Navigation bar, located at the bottom left. You will be redirected to the sensitivity page where you can now begin to tweak your sensitivity and FOV options.
Select the dropdown menu and choose your game of choice as the game. After this, input your mouse sensitivity from the game right into the aim trainer.
The next step is to take your custom Aiming.Pro sensitivity and copy it. Keep it in the clipboard as you switch over to the “Custom” option on the page.
From here, input your custom Aiming.Pro sensitivity directly into the Custom sensitivity box. This will ensure that the sensitivity between both games is now consistent, which will keep your aim preserved for whatever you are trying to learn.
After that, tweak the FOV to match the FOV you use in the game. Make sure that you choose the right type of FOV conversion. Horizontal FOV does not equal the same value as Vertical FOV. For example, 106.26HFOV is equal to 73.74VFOV.
Make sure to save all your changes - now you are ready to begin aim training!
Measuring your current performance
It is important that you understand your core skills
Go to the Skill Assessment page, which can be found on the Dashboard. You will be met with a series of skill assessment Drills and Categories.
The categories are as follows:
- Overall - A combination of most general skills
- Tracking - A focus of smooth tracking, reactive tracking and Directional Tracking
- Flick - A focus on fast and precise movements to single targets
- Click - Heavy emphasis on speed, calibration and mouse control
- Speed - A category for all the speed demons who want to focus on speed, efficient movement and quick cognitive processing
We recommend you start with the overall category, as this category focuses on elements from all aspects of mechanical aiming. Play each scenario until you are sure you are at least warmed up or performing at your best. Read these metrics and keep in mind what your weak and strong points are!
Training your Core Skills
Aiming involves many different skills, many different series of skills in combination and many continua on which to judge that skill. For example, some aiming elements involve more click-timing and tracking, and some involve more target switching and flicking. We at want to maximise your potential, focusing on the areas of aiming that are important!
To do this, go to the “Train” Section of the site. This can be seen on the left side where the Dashboard is.
You will be met with the core skills categories.
Depending on how you feel, or what your biggest weakness was, we recommend starting in that category. For example, let's say that we need to focus more on tracking; What you can do is go into the list of Tracking categories, where you will be met with 3 subcategories.
- Smoothness focuses on ensuring you are making smooth movements when tracking a target. This is a hugely fundamental skill which will ensure the maximum potential of learning complex skills
- Reactivity forces you to react to unpredictable target movement instead of trying to guess when the target will change direction. A more complex skill and very necessary to learn!
- Prediction - This skill is a little easier than reactivity, helping you focus on making the correct adjustments rather than reactive to changes in movement.
You have a set of difficulty levels for each game which you can change with the difficulty slider. Choose Difficulty 1 first and make your way up the ranks, aiming for the target goals set by the scenario.
Custom Drills and Playlists
Aside the Skill Builder is a list of Drills and Playlists that have been entirely custom built by the awesome community we have. You can choose between “All Drills” or “All playlists”. You may browse them with the custom search filters which filter out by one of two ways: Either by name or the category of which the Drill fits into.
This lets you browse for the game modes that are just right for you. You can choose all of the main Game Types, apply them to the search filter and see a more focused set of Drills or Playlists for you.
Each Drill has its own leaderboard. This allows you to track your best performances against the best performances of others, which is a great guage to see where you stack up against the rest of the world!
All you need to do is hit the view button. From here, you can check the properties and parameters of the gamemode as well as the leaderboard!
If you really want to tailor your experience and create the perfect aiming routine, you can sign up to and subscribe to get a Plus membership. This, along with a plethora of other benefits, will allow you to create your own custom games, choosing from a wide set of features!

Come join us at Aiming.Pro
Our community is growing everyday. We all share a passion in improvement, progress and perseverance.
Come connect with new people, find teammates for your favourite games, or ask for support
Our team, moderators and aimers alike will always be around!